Patau syndrome with a long survival. A case report

A.C. Duarte, E.S. Devens, J.M. Roth, G.L. Garcias, M.G. Martino-Roth, A. I.C. Menezes
Published: June 21, 2004
Genet. Mol. Res. 3 (2) : 288-292
Cite this Article:
A.C. Duarte, E.S. Devens, J.M. Roth, G.L. Garcias, M.G. Martino-Roth, A.I.C. Menezes (2004). Patau syndrome with a long survival. A case report. Genet. Mol. Res. 3(2): 288-292.
About the Authors 
A.C. Duarte, E.S. Devens, J.M. Roth, G.L. Garcias, M.G. Martino-Roth, A. I.C. Menezes
Corresponding author
M.G. Martino-Roth

Trisomy 13 is a clinically severe entity; 85% of the patients do not survive beyond one year, and most children die before completing six months of age. We report a female child, 28 months old, white, the fourth child of a non-consanguineous couple, who presented trisomy 13. The child was born at term, from a vaginal delivery, weighing 2600 g. At birth, she was cyanotic, icteric, spastic, and cried weakly. The initial clinical examination detected polydactyly in the left hand, congenital clubfoot and convex soles, ocular hypertelorism, a low nasal bridge, numerous hemangiomas distributed throughout the body, cardiomegaly, and perimembranous inter-ventricular communication. There was no cleft lip or palate. On physical examination at 18 months old, the child weighed 6,900 g, had a cephalic perimeter of 41 cm, a thoracic perimeter of 43 cm and was 76 cm tall. At 28 months, she weighed 10,760 g and was 88.5 cm tall. Neuropsychomotor development retardation was evident from birth and, according to the psychologist and the social assistant of APAE (Handicapped Parents and Friends Association) in Canguçu, Rio Grande do Sul, there was a noticeable improvement after physiotherapy and recreational sessions.

Key words: Patau syndrome, Trisomy 13.

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