Day: June 27, 2002

Frequency of the hypervariable DNA loci D18S849, D3S1744, D12S1090 and D1S80 in a mixed ancestry population of Chilean blood donors

M. Acuña, H. Jorquera, L. Cifuentes, L. Armanet.Published: June 27, 2002Genet. Mol. Res. 1 (2) : 139-146 Cite this Article:M. Acuña, H. Jorquera, L. Cifuentes, L. Armanet (2002). Frequency of the hypervariable DNA loci D18S849, D3S1744, D12S1090 and D1S80 in a mixed ancestry population of Chilean blood donors. Genet. Mol. Res. 1(2): 139-146. About the […]

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