Biometric characteristics among fig tree genotypes in Brazil

M.G.F. Rodrigues, L.N.H. Monteiro, A.F.A. Ferreira, T.P. Dos Santos, B.E. Pavan, V.A.B. Neves, A.C. Boliani
Published: April 30, 2019
Genet. Mol. Res. 18(2): GMR18191

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M.G.F. Rodrigues, L.N.H. Monteiro, A.F.A. Ferreira, T.P.Dos Santos, B.E. Pavan, V.A.B. Neves, A.C. Boliani (2019). Biometric characteristics among fig tree genotypes in Brazil. Genet. Mol. Res. 18(2): GMR18191.

About the Authors
M.G.F. Rodrigues, L.N.H. Monteiro, A.F.A. Ferreira, T.P. Dos Santos, B.E. Pavan, V.A.B. Neves, A.C. Boliani

Corresponding Author
M.G.F. Rodrigues


Fig (Ficus carica) is among the 20 main fruits exported by Brazil, which is the eighth largest producer of fresh figs. The characterization of active fig germplasm banks has thus become an important line of research, as it is necessary to gather information to carry out adequate management projects. The objective of this study was to characterize the morphologies of 42 fig tree accessions belonging to the Faculty of Engineering of Ilha Solteira of the University of Sao Paulo State, so that the quality and genetic potential of different accessions of the species could be recognized based on the characteristics of the vegetative parts of the plants. Estimates of variance components were obtained for each variable evaluated using the restricted maximum likelihood/best linear unbiased prediction procedure, available in the genetic-statistical software SELEGEN. Most of the morphological characteristics of fig accessions examined had heritability values ranging from 0.25 to 0.40. However, the number of leaf lobes showed high heritability (0.85), with a genotypic and environmental coefficients of variation ratio higher than 1. This population has medium to high genetic variability; allowing us to identify the materials based on morphological descriptors, among which the number of lobes of the leaves appeared to be the most promising.

Key words: Active germplasm bank, Conservation of genetic resources, Ficus carica, Fig plant breeding, Phenotypic characterization.

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